Shot in the dark here, but can you share any info as to why my site has been ravaged by Google’s updates?, – Jake Boly asked.
I run the site by myself, buy the gear I review, have a background in the field, and film YT videos for every review.
Trying to figure out exactly how to improve the site/content further has been a little frustrating because I don’t know why the site got hit so hard in the first place.
Content gets comments, I have an active community, and I try to keep everything in-house for consistency.
There are so many big brands in my areas of expertise shoveling out mass affiliate content on gear they [quite clearly] haven’t even tested.
How does a review with literally no original media/personal anecdotes have authority?
Any insights are appreciated — Thank you!
PS — I get most of the recent updates that have hit niche sites.
There are A LOT of sketchy sites run by folks who don’t care about their industries; just playing the SEO game.
It’s been a massive bummer because I love blogging, but I can’t justify the time spent on it for now.