If you’re a blogger who was recently hit by the Google updates, now’s the time to take a stand and start making some noise, says Jon Miksis.

We are witnessing one of the biggest power grabs before our eyes— a slow-motion train wreck where small independent publishers are being systematically crushed by an algorithm favoring a handful of major players at the expense of everyone else.

If we stay silent, then we are complicit.

In recent years, Google has transformed from a search engine into a promotional platform for Google products and ad partners.

They aren’t trying to show the best content for users; their objective is to keep people’s eyes on Google’s own products and a handful of big publishers in which they have a financial stake.

Unless you are paying them $$$, there is no space for you in their online ecosystem.

Their recent updates have made that abundantly clear.

For years, Google has taken other people’s content, indexing it as their own in the form of widgets and sliders (sometimes mentioning the originating source, but oftentimes, not).

But now, they have accelerated their domination of the online space with the recent HCU/spam updates.

While Google has publicly stated that their goal is to surface helpful content and reduce spam, these updates have shown us the opposite.

Now, in the search results, it’s not uncommon to find not one, not two, not three…but FOUR sponsored ads before any organic content.

Not to mention that most of the top positions now are dominated by a few major publishers with thin/lean content, and general advice that isn’t helpful to readers.

If the trend continues, there won’t be any small, independent publishers left.

All content and information will be controlled by a handful of corporations who prioritize profits over people.

There won’t be any financial incentive for small niche sites to continue creating content for search engines, as it will be almost impossible to rank.

And even if you can somehow manage to crack the code, it won’t be long until all your unique/original content is copied by big publishers and you are displaced in the rankings once again.

Do you want to live in a world where a few major players dominate the entire online ecosystem?

Where there’s no fighting chance to make a living online?

That’s what will happen soon if you don’t speak up.

Now is NOT the time to cross your fingers and hope that things get better.

Don’t rely on others to make noise on your behalf.

The SEO experts aren’t gonna save you here; it’s time to speak up and engage in the conversation yourself.

If we let Google continue to encroach on small businesses in this way—by tipping the scale in favor of themselves and a handful of corporations—then it won’t be long until all independent voices and perspectives are shut out.

Don’t disappear silently into the night, we need every voice we can…to put pressure on Google and make it a fair and even playing field once again for the little guy.

It’s time to make a stand.

Who agrees?

And here’s how to respond when they say “Google doesn’t owe you anything”:

  1. Google trained its AI on our content, without compensation or consent.
  2. Monopolies owe all market participants a chance to compete fairly.
  3. The world deserves a search engine for the open web, not a transaction completion engine.


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