Words in URL: myth or reality?
I’d like Google to be more careful before making statements like: “Words in a URL don’t matter.” And then continuing: “Hyphens are better as separators because they make word separation…
I’d like Google to be more careful before making statements like: “Words in a URL don’t matter.” And then continuing: “Hyphens are better as separators because they make word separation…
One of the best sites on the internet is a super valuable programmatic SEO site. Take any location on the planet, and it will rank the best things to do…
The study was conducted with a SearchPilot customer in the travel industry, who was considering a major website update and wanted to ensure that changes would not adversely affect their…
Here’s what I think you need to do to recover your site’s SEO (and why I think so many sites got squashed), wrote Thomas Jepsen. I think HCU was in…
Niche Site Lady asked about lifting Google’s manual penalties for spam. She mentioned that despite complying with all of Google’s requirements, her requests were still being denied, and she was…
I noticed that I often competed with Amazon product pages, and it took me about seven years to figure this out, said Ted Kubaitis. I always feared going head-to-head with…
Aaron Wall’s 2020 article discusses Panda and Penguin updates, but it remains relevant to the recent Google March Core and Spam updates. Reverse engineering what happened is very difficult because…
They changed the rules and made decisions on behalf of users that we were no longer what they were looking for, wrote Luke Jordan. Let’s get the conspiracy stuff out…
Quick story about why you should NEVER, EVER, EVER use the All In One SEO Plugin for WordPress. The chart below is from a new client’s Google Search Console, –…
Meta is now repurposing content from food bloggers and summarizing articles across various platforms using AI. Coupled with SGE and the prioritization of large brands and sites like Reddit and…