You’ve heard of the term monster hammering in SEO right?

No me neither, I made it up, said Carrie Rose.

But essentially its when brands are using multiple agencies (sometimes up to 10 agencies at once) to build links to the site, consistently at scale in order to drive organic rankings through the roof as fast as possible.

Does volume=more traffic?

Some are building up to 6000 domains a year, getting up to 37 X their return on spend for revenue from organic…

I have 3 brands who I know are doing this (and working with us) and heres a breakdown of the success:

We have 3 sites, in 3 different niches.

  1. Education
  2. Comparison site
  3. Finance

Lets start:

  1. Education

This is a global site, 5 agencies averaging £50K a month on digital PR activity.

And BOY is it paying off.

Theyve landed 12000 new domains in the last 2 years, 80% followed and internal link gold.

Closest competitor has 1000 pages, we have 22K pages going from 450K-850K organic revenue per month.

The site now makes $10.2mill from organic per year, spending $480K on links.

Thats a healthy 21X return.

They rank pos 1-3 for most priority terms, inescapable organically.

Im not saying links contributed ONLY to this growth, but you can see its a BIG investment area thats paying off alongside content.

  1. Comparison site.

UK only, thought id show the difference between global digital PR and UK only

4 agencies, average spend £28K a month on digital PR.

in 2 years, 2100 new domains = 75% followed.

Interestingly theyve reduced pages, deleted and consolidated over 2000 pages in 2 years.

As a result theyre making an extra £1million rev from organic per month in that time.

Which is nice 35 x return.

  1. Finance site

Markets: Global

They have 5 agencies

Average spend per month across those 5 agencies on digital PR – £56K per month.

Thats £780K on digital PR across markets.

In the last 2 years doing this, they’ve gone from a brand new site with 148 domains to 10.7K domains.

76% of them are followed.

And they’ve gone from making $28K a month revenue from organic to $998K PER MONTH.

15.3X return.

Diverse links from different link groups, real strategic focus of where the links are pointing to on the site.

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